The latest TiViPE release for the NAO robot is 2.1.3 (june 2016).
TiViPE for the NAO robot can be downloaded for free under GNU-GPL license. Commercial developers however need a different license, please contact us.
The NAO robots from Aldebaran are fully supported. This includes simultaneous camera and microphone usage. The TVPnaoAtom213v21413.tgz file needs to be copied to every robot and extracted, see below. For robot users it is strongly recommended to first try the examples given in the misc/Networks/Robotics, misc/Networks/Robotics2.1.1, misc/Networks/Robotics 2.1.2, and misc/Networks/Robotics2.1.3 directories provided in the TiViPE distribution. The NAO version used is and TiViPE version is 2.1.3.
The NAO robot compressed and zipped file needs to be copied to the robot. Start a command window by typing Windows-key in combination with r or by clicking Windows->Run. Type cmd in the window that pops up. Another dos command shell pops up type
%TVPHOME%\vars.bat pscp TVPnaoAtom213v21413.tgz nao@[nao-ip-address]: plink nao@[nao-ip-address] tar xzf TVPnaoAtom213v21413.tgz exit
For Linux (Ctrl-Alt-T) and Mac OS X (Right upper hourglass -> Terminal) users a bash command shell needs to be opened it already has sourced the variables when TiViPE is installed, hence the first command needs be skipped.
Substitute the right ip address for [nao-ip-addres] that is obtained by pushing the button on the chest briefly. In case it is the first time that you log on to the robot, a key is being generated, and a password (nao) is required.